Thursday 12 November 2009

Some Worthy Ideas [not business ideas :)]


Focus on passive income and spend your time acquiring the assets that provided passive or long-term residual income – passive income from capital gains, dividends, residual income from business, rental income from real estate, and royalties.

Never build emotional life on the weaknesses of other people, by doing so we empower their weaknesses to control us, we magnify them, we strengthen them, en enlarge them.

If we really want to significantly improve people’s behavior, then change people’s picture of their roles. For instance, if we know that we are going to teach a large group of people tomorrow, this same material we are learning would that affect our learning today. Dramatically, because we have a different role in our head, we have changed our role.

If we want to make small improvements in relationships, organizations, families, marriages and ourselves, then work on our behavior and attitude. If we want to make major, significant, quantum type improvements, then change our paradigm, change our way of thinking, change the way we see the world.

The key to our circumstances and our lives is to think about our paradigm, the lens of our glasses that we are looking through. And perhaps we should change our paradigm, our role to reframe the whole situation, so that we could interpret into new light. It isn’t quiet happens to us that affects our behavior, it’s our interpretation of what happens to us.

In business, we could be on people’s back, to treat the customer well. But how do we treat that person, the key is to always treat the employee exactly as we want them to treat our best customer. What if that was a paradigm, we treated a customer like a volunteer, because that’s a customer is, and we treat an employee as an associate. Rather treat an employee as a volunteer; because they have to volunteer there best thinking, their best loyalty and enthusiasm. We can buy a person’s back but not their mind, we can buy a person’s hand, but not their heart. This kind of dedication, commitment and loyalty must be earned by taking care of the goose, don’t get greedy for the golden eggs.

Emotional bank account is like the financial bank account, in which we make deposits and we could take withdrawals. If we make many deposits into the relationship, the trust level goes higher and higher and the communication comes to very easy, effortless and effective.
The quality of the relationship in business, is the quality of the relationship with the customer, how does the customer perceived our business, products and services.
Six Ways of Building Emotional Bank Account with All People
1) Simple kindness, simple courtesies like: if you will, thank you, I appreciate that, how are you today.
2) Honesty
3) Making and keeping a promise
4) Managing of expectations
5) Loyalty

Effective people are proactive i.e. they take responsibility, their behavior is a product of their own decisions based on values, rather than being a product of their conditions, based on feelings. We are the programmers not a program.

We don’t think efficiency with people, we think efficiency with things. We manage things, and lead people.

Remember, if we ever make a presentation, and describe the other person’s point of view better than he or she can, then that person will be highly influenced by us.

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